I feel kind of bad for giving this one a lower score, but as it stands this one was another example of a film selling itself on one thing, but delivering another.
I picked up 'Deep Inside Annie Sprinkles' based on the promotional material, which, somewhat refreshingly given the year this film came out. Promised an Adult film that was written and directed entirely by the star of the feature 'Annie Sprinkles' and that the the majority of the film was going to revolve around Annies day to day livings as an adult performer, photographer, and seemingly musician and artist too.
I basically went into this expecting a kind of pseudo adult documentary that was going to try and add a layer of humanity to an, at the time very one note industry.
This film is not that.
Somewhat jarringly, the film cant seem to decide WHAT it wants to be. Opening with an extended sequence in which Annie talks about her early life in detail, sharing photos of her growing up, her family and friends and going into detail about her sexual history growing up.
But then the film kind of hard veers away from that, instead just turning into Annie hosting intro and outro segments to various fetish sequences.
Annie in those segments is charming, warm and quite bubbly, but it was increasingly hard to watch her delivery to camera, as it was clear other substances were at play during the recording of this film and she seems to slur her way through the script and improv quite heavily in places too (usually going off script to see how many times she can say 'Sex' in increasingly awkward ways)
and...thats the movie. The film ends with Annie inviting people to write to her telling her what they'd like to do with her, and the address they post on screen IS a real address...though it looks like its a furniture store/apartments at this point in time.
Needless to say, the script didnt really win me over. I was invested in this thing, right up until the 3rd sex scene, when I realised that the very sincere introduction WAS all that there was going to be in terms of a documentary style...and that everything after that point was either going to be sex scenes, Annie introducing sex scenes or Annie faux working on sets in a production capacity...leading to sex.
The actual scenes themselves were shot quite well I thought, clearly well curated sequences that try to get the best out of whats on show. Though; as mentioned, with this being a fetish tape specifically, your milage may vary on the happenings within this film...I wasnt particularly a fan truthfully. But I could appreciate a pretty competently shot sex scene...
The edits a little all over the place, they use too many close ups too close together in my personal opinion, and the cuts are all a bit too quick for my taste. Equally it seems the budget only had room for 3 songs on the soundtrack because every sex scene has one VERY distinct and somewhat aggressive piece that plays over ever scene...which was particularly funny at the end of the film, as Annie illustrates the art of 'Soft and intense love making with someone you care about' to the sound of VERY aggressive 'hardcore banging' porn music.
I came away from 'Deep inside Annie Sprinkles' a little underhwelmed. While I appreciated the direction and cinematography, which were really quite well done, And Annie herself seems very charming both in life, and in film. The scripts decision to play things incredibly shallow, with uninteresting, overly simplistic and crude dialogue, combined with a bit of a haphazard edit meant that this film ultimatley wasnt for me.
source https://letterboxd.com/tytdreviews/film/deep-inside-annie-sprinkle/