The Maidens by Alex Michaelides tells the story of Mariana, who is summoned back to Cambridge years after she graduated by her niece Zoe after a girl is murdered. Still grieving from her beloved husband, Sebastian's death, she must now cone to terms with the fact that Zoe might be in danger as well. When more girls are murdered and Mariana begins to suspect the charismatic professor, Edward Fosca, she will soon realize that the truth is far more personal than she could ever have imagined.

I loved this book. It is so compelling and subtly suspenseful. Michaelides has crafted an intricately woven plot line full of twists where everyone is a suspect but no one is entirely to blame. I also appreciated that Michaelides referenced Greek Tragedy throughout; I thought it made the story even more intriguing.

I really liked Michaelides' writing style. It is so poetic and enchantingly beautiful considering the horrifying topic he is exploring.

Finally, I loved the characters. Mariana is so resourceful and stubborn, which serves her well as the novel progresses. The ghost of Sebastian is felt throughout and plays a significant role later in the book, which I found fascinating. I was also intrigued by Edward Fosca, Zoe and the Maidens as they were incredibly multi faceted characters who seemed to always be hiding secrets.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling murder mystery novel with a gorgeous writing style and references to Greek Tragedy.

The Maidens by Alex Michaelides is available now from Celadon Books.

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