University of Cambridge registered students and staff now have temporary access to the Al Manhal eLibrary until the 31st of January 2021.

Please let us know what you think about this collection by sending your feedback via the online form.

Two students using a laptop in a library

The Al-Manhal database provides access to thousands of eBooks, Journals, Theses & Dissertations and Reports from and about the Middle East.

Subject Coverage :

Art • Art and Architecture • Business & Economics • Contemporary References • Classical Literature • Educational Science • History, Geography & Biography • Islamic Heritage • Islamic Studies • Language & Literature • Law • Media and Communication • Political Science & International Relations • Science and Technology • Social Sciences

Key features

• Full-text searchable publications

• Languages: Arabic, English, French, and others.

• Personal bookshelves that can be accessed offline through the App (IOS & Android)

• Highlighting, bookmarking, annotating and text-to-speech

• Copy/paste and printing with automatic citations

eBooks Collection

Al Manhal offers over 19,000 of eBooks from the Arab world's leading publishers, across a diverse range of topics, with more being added every week. The eBook collections are available in the following subject areas:

Example ebook title display on Al Manhal

Journals Collection

Al-Manhal Journals collections include an exclusive selection of over 450 peer-reviewed Journals with over 71,466 articles in English and Arabic languages published in the Arab world in the following subject collections:

Example ejournal title volumes on Al Manhal

Theses & Dissertations Collection

Provides over 9,000 of full-text searchable Theses & Dissertations from the most prominent academic foundations across the Middle East. This collection is comprised of scholarly work from masters' and Doctoral graduates from all departments of academia and across the full spectrum of research foci.

Reports Collection

This includes a wide range of publications from 2007 onward that includes working papers, research reports, essays, policy briefs, newspaper articles, case studies and conference proceedings from the leading think tanks and research institutes across the Middle East. It is a vital tool for any practitioner or researcher of Middle Eastern affairs. The growing list of over 12,000 publications provides coverage of:

Arab-Israeli affairs • Elections and changes of government across the region • Social issues such as education, healthcare, immigration, refugees and asylum • Wars, treatises, and diplomacy • Military, defense and security • Terrorism and issues of internal security • Legislation, budgets, economic developments and international agreements

Reading books offline using the App

  • Create your personal account on the platform.
  • Add the title to your bookshelf using the side-bar tool called 'Add to Bookshelf'.
  • Open the App and choose the 'Sync with Platform' option from the side navigation menu.
  • Sign in using your Platform credentials, then the Sync will automatically begin!
Al Manhal App