I came to my computer this morning not having an idea what article to write.

So I started to watch a few videos on youtube I lined up, after I saw that one of my students learned "precession" from one of the videos I published, while it went way over my head.

Time to recap...

So I watched the video, and muscle tested. It tested "not true" for me. One of my favorite people, (an evolutionary event in humanity's history, according to Buckminster Fuller...) Marshall Thurber. Zero truth value. Wow... let me watch a few more Marshall Thurber videos...

So I did. It's about 8 am now, and I have been at it for almost three hours.

I learned a lot.

Here are some of the things I learned:

SOURCE: click to continue reading Everyone thinks they are smarter than you... but why? And how can you avoid that trap so you can start having some results in your life?