So last year I set myself a couple of simple goals but how did I do?

I set my Goodreads challenge at 100.

I managed to surpass this by reading 104. I'm going to be honest it was a bit of a struggle to get there, especially as I DNF the highest number of books I ever have last year. I can't give you an accurate amount but it was between ten to fifteen.

Clear eleven books from my NetGalley shelf that have been on there since 2018.

Yeah, I failed on this one. I did however manage to read three. (Click the links to take you to my reviews). 

You Let Me In by Lucy Clarke

The Sentence Is Death by Anthony Horowitz

Don't You Cry by Cass Green

The only bright spark is I did manage to get my NetGalley ratio up to 78% just 2% off the coveted 80%

This wasn't a goal but I thought I'd mention the fact I managed to get 50k all time views for my blog. 

A huge thank you to everyone who has read these bookish rambles of mine these past four years!

So on to my goals this year:

Set my Goodreads goal at 75.

Trying to ease a bit of the pressure on myself and just enjoy reading. 

Get my NetGalley feedback ratio up to 80%.

As I mentioned earlier I'm currently at 78% and as long as I can control myself it's doable.

Try and read all my outstanding arcs from NetGalley.

Bit of a harder one. I've currently got 62 books gathering dust on my shelf. Some of them are for blog tours but still. 

Read more of my physical books.

I haven't counted but I must have at least 100 unread physical books on my shelves. To help with my backlog of books I'm taking part with Owl Be Sat Reading's hashtag #beatthebacklog over on twitter.

And finally: cut down on blog tours.

Much as I love taking part in them, it can be quite draining. I went through a couple of health issues in 2021 which made it difficult to keep up with everything (my own fault), so I want to go a little easier on myself this year.

So that's everything. What about you, what are your reading goals for 2022?

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