Meet me at the Wedding, Georgia Toffolo
Genre: Romance, Womens Fiction
Usual moan, womens fiction – just why? Men both read and write romance...
Anyway, I didn't realise this was a series, my bad, and of course I've not read earlier books. They're what I think of as connected books though, rather than an ongoing series, with each book being a complete story so it was easy to follow along.
I enjoyed this read, loved Lily and Henry, both still feeling the pain of that accident many years back. Non visible scars can cause a lot of pain and grief.
I really wanted to love this book, loved the characters, loved the settings, the wedding sounded absolutely beautiful, but....I didn't find that must-keep-reading spark. I kept thinking, Lily is so busy, so who's running the restaurant while this is happening. Then when plans for the wedding went wrong, it was such a quick simple fix when in real life it would be one heck of a nightmare. I think I needed just a spot more reality, I can and do gloss over lots in the name of fiction, ( I don't want all the grim realities of life to bring stories down but...) somehow here there was a little too much booklandia and too little reality.
Its a fun read, a good story, but just a little too much cute and sweet, and a little lacking in the darkness and drama that I need to balance that. Its personal as always, not everyone wants the same thing in a story, and its very much my issue that I need that balance to make a five star read.
Stars: Three, a fun romance, with some great characters, lots of sweetness but lacking in the counterbalance despair dept.
ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers
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