Welcome to July! There was a lot of traveling last month in addition to other odds and ends (like getting email backed up and centralized), so I didn't get as much writing done, though I did get quite a bit done in regards to marketing and admin projects. Here is this month's Infinitas Publishing Status Report. 
I've highlighted the projects that had changes in blue.
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Starless Night: (Book 3 of the Distant Horizon series). I need to finish inputting proofreading notes into the manuscript and then format the print edition.
Changing Tides: (Book 4 of the Distant Horizon series). On hold while working on Deceived 2.
The Glitch Saga (Distant Horizon spin-off series): Goal is to create a new cover and print edition for the complete collection edition. (On hold).
Deceived #2 - (Distant Horizon spin-off series): I need to finish inputting proofreading notes into the manuscript and examine a couple scenes where I found pacing issues.
My next step is to give this to Isaac for developmental edits, create a book cover for Deceived #2, and continue revisions on Deceived #3.
Future Goals: Add Isaac's notes from Deceived #5 (formerly #4) into the manuscript, revise Deceived #5, and revise #6 (formerly #5) before handing it to Isaac for his feedback.
Lily's Story: (Distant Horizon series spin-off/prequel novel) On hold. (Has outline).
Sky Runner: (Multiverse novel). On hold. (Has outline)
The Multiverse Chronicles: On hold. (Needs edits).
Little One: On hold. (Needs revisions).
TWB 4: (Book Four of The Wishing Blade series). Needs rough draft written. Needs updated outline. On hold.
Runes and Ravens (Stone and String 3): Needs outlining and revision. On hold.
The Secret in the Shadows: (Prequel novella for The Wishing Blade) On hold. Needs the rest of Isaac's notes input into the manuscript.
Wishing Blade Prequel (Prequel novella for The Wishing Blade): On hold. My next step is to write the rough draft of the new scenes and begin revising the original scenes to match the updated outline.
Once complete, this is intended to be a newsletter-exclusive story.
The Legends of Cirena - Collaborative Adventure Facebook Group: On hiatus.
The Dark Forest of Aneth ("Ro'nor ("The Restless Sands of Neel") & Zynia ("The Dragons of the Mist") cross-over / A Legends of Cirena short novel): On hold.
Goals: Rough draft needs completed via the Collaborative Adventure Facebook group, and there are a couple scenes I'd like to add earlier in the story. I already have a book cover concept, which still needs to be completed.
The Wind Mage and the Wolf ("Livena (The Wind Mage of Maijev") & Nuaka ("The Gryphon and the Mountain Bear") cross-over / A Legends of Cirena short novel) : The Joran short story project is on hold.
Legends of Cirena Epic: Outlining on hold. Map of Litkanston on hold. This is intended to be a back-burner project.
"MOG": On hold. (Needs revisions)
Changeling: (Huntress #2) Print edition on hold. Needs back matter and front matter adjusted.
Huntress 3: I'm currently reviewing the 25k words I'd already written for this and I'm creating an updated outline. Once the outline is finished, I plan on revising it and writing the rest of the outline for Camp NaNoWriMo.
My goal for NaNo is less about keeping up with a daily word count, as I've done in the past, and more about writing at least one sentence every day.
In order to keep up with that goal, I've been pantsing/discovery writing a possible prequel to the series (currently 2,400 words) as a loosely-structured Sleeping Beauty retelling.
Game Design: On hold.
Future plans in game design involve: possibly preparing a print-and-play version of Battle Decks, polishing the elemental game card art and testing mechanics, and looking into options for feasibly producing Phalanx.
Space Adventure Comic: On hold.
Villain Problems: (WIP panels viewable on my Instagram). On hold.
Emberverse (Working Title): Revisions on hold. Needs title. Needs outline for "Season 2."
Marketing: I've started the process of cleaning both the Wishing Blade Universe and Distant Horizon Universe mailing lists, in order to remove inactive subscribers. I've started updating the onboarding sequence for both lists (at least figuring out what needs to be in those sequences) and understanding more about how automations work.
This is an ongoing project, and one of the next steps is to update the promos to include Initiated as the new newsletter cookie for the Distant Horizon Universe newsletter.
Again, no paid ads this month aside from a couple Amazon drip ads. I participated in a couple BookFunnel Promos, and had a bit more success in doing my daily Twitter posts. I even started occasionally posting on our Infinitas Publishing Twitter account.
I've already scheduled this month's weekly BookFunnel promo highlights (almost weekly, there are three this month).
I also finished reading DIY MFA and rereading Newsletter Ninja. My goal was to take notes, then review those notes to determine actionable steps I can take to improve my writing craft and/or marketing skills. I've reviewed the Newsletter Ninja notes for my mailing list, and after that's complete I need to review the DIY MFA notes to determine which action steps I want to take. I have a few ideas, but I need to solidify them.
I've been trying to do more reading, both fiction and non-fiction, in order to improve my writing and my knowledge of the books in the various genres I'm interested in.
Last week I taught a three-day (two hours each) youth writing class at the Copper Country Community Arts Center about creating an outline for a short story/novel. I'm hoping the students enjoyed themselves. I repurposed material from a class Isaac and I taught previously, as well as created a new worksheet for the new material. I'd like to go back and make adjustments to the worksheets to make them more useful in future classes.
Other future marketing goals: Add a progress tracker somewhere for the different books. Test Draft2Digital for wide print distribution, test mailing list automations, revise Amazon ads, link to my Pinterest account on the Infinitas Publishing website, overhaul book categories and keywords, and do the usual business ledger upkeep.
LitRPG / GameLit Story: On hold. (Needs revisions and restructuring).
Other Stories: The YA SciFi Alien Invasion/Dystopian Conspiracy short story revisions are on hold. Comic script ("If I Had Asked") on hold.
Untitled Fantasy Story: On hold. Next step is to review and adjust the first book's outline, and then adjust book two's outline.
SBibb's Photographic Illustration: Future Goals: Update the Infinitas Publishing website banner. Figure out a schedule for uploading general art projects.
Daz PA: I finalized the pose set that I can't talk about the details for yet, and that's been approved and has a release date.
I also finalized my surprise/fear-themed pose set, and I'm currently waiting for a release date.
I have a few ideas for the next set, but I haven't made an official decision about it just yet.

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Happy writing and reading (Or 3D rendering if you're into Daz)! 
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