Narrated by Anne Marie Carlson, Across the Green Grass Fields is the sixth story in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire. Regan opens a door to a world filled with centaurs, kelpies, and other magical equines in this enlightening installment. Come, step into a world where humans are expected to be heroes....
At just around four hours, Across the Green Grass Fields was a magical listen. I love the Wayward Children's series and McGuire's imagination.
Regan isn't like the other girls in her class, and when she shares the truth with her friend, things go terribly wrong. On her way home, she stumbles upon a door and escapes reality through it. Regan arrives in Hooflands.
Hooflands is filled with centaurs, kelpies, and magical equines. When Regan arrives, she is captured by a herd of centaurs. Things are not perfect in this magical land, and Regan will need to step up and help. As she does, she will learn about friendship, herself, and more.
The world McGuire creates is well developed. Her imagery brought the lands and the creatures who dwell there to life. While it appears perfectly magical, like our world, there are issues from prejudices to vicious rumors and outdated traditions. McGuire creates realistic children with troubling problems and sets them into worlds, and the results are fascinating. I connected and loved seeing the growth as Regan finds herself and matures.
Like the rest of the series, this novel will stand on its own, but if you haven't read/listened to the others, I encourage you to do. They are wonderful, magical, and imaginative stories.
Anne Marie Carlson does a splendid job with the narration. She captures everyone from the mean friend to the mystical creatures in the Hooflands. McGuire's stories work well in this format and the narrators enhance her stories.
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