Only on occasion do we get a name in any given realm of extreme metal that manages to not only push the envelope of what we deem to be possible but one that achieves far more whilst always blowing away the listener at virtually every turn. During the previous decade, the very mention of SubRosa was enough to get the masses squirming in excitement which made their departure three years ago feel all the more traumatic and the embodiment of a worst-case scenario for many. Yet, much like the phoenix rising from its own ashes, that talent was never destined to stay put for long. Returning under a different name with a minimal change to their line-up, it's now under the name of The Otolith that a real unit of power and excellence in the world of doom returns to us.
Much like comparing Herxheim to Howls of Ebb or Entombed to Entombed A.D., to compare The Otolith to SubRosa wouldn't be a stretch by any means but it really would be doing the new material a disservice to have it lean on the name and reputation of what came before it. In every way, all that's brought forth in the debut experience from The Otolith is worthy of being looked on as its own with nothing short of full attention from those who wish to be washed over by its intoxicating waves. Right from that first splash, it should be extremely apparent to all that the six tracks from "Folium Limina" is a viciously compelling album that not only earns the attention of all that comes before, but a creation that deserves to be hailed as one of the most compelling experiences of the year, next year, next decade, and every one after that. Bringing together a viciously impactful approach to emotionally driven doom that's made all the more powerful by its symphonic backdrop that instantly sets The Otolith apart from the vast swathe of the scene with a powerful dramatic flair that makes every given inch of "Folium Limina" something that simply must be experienced. All that was poured into this effort makes for a truly unbelievable resurrection the likes of which one simply cannot look away from for even a moment, The Otolith is as potent as it gets.
When it comes to next-level doom metal like this with every given facet of this performance all we could come to expect and somehow even more given the very background of the name. Even the very essence of "Folium Limina" is what people do loads and loads of searching for with extremely few names, if any, have been able to deliver since the departure of SubRosa, but it's now that we're faced with a new name that manages to surpass any expectations of such a return. That name is The Otolith, and it's everything we've ever needed.
"Folium Limina" releases on October 21st via Blues Funeral Recordings!
LISTEN to an advanced track from "Folium Limina" on Bandcamp here.
LIKE The Otolith on Facebook here.

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