Title: Tempted By Her Outcast Viking (Shieldmaiden sisters book 2) by Lucy Morris
Date Published: 29th September
Publisher: Mills & Boon Historical
Genre: Historical Romance
Tempted by the Warrior...
But she'll never wed
Brynhild had once been close to Erik – until he'd betrayed her, and she'd hoped never to see him again. Now the fiercely independent shieldmaiden needs Erik's skills to rescue her sister. Striking a truce with the tough, isolated loner they reach a mutually beneficial deal: in return, she'll help him in his quest to find a wife – by teaching him how to please a woman in bed…!
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I want to thank Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for inviting me on this tour and providing me with a copy of the book. All opinions are my own.
Romance is not my go to genre but I have to say I'm really enjoying these Mills & Boon historical romances!
This is the second in the Shieldmaiden sisters series but easily stands on its own as a story, something I can attest to having not read the first, although I will be going back to read The viking she would have married as soon as I can!
Tempted by her outcast viking is a second chance romance with the added tension of a quest to pull our two protagonists together.
Brynhild was a fantastically fierce character. Strong and brave, willing to lay her life down in battle, she had a sensitive side, especially when it comes to her family. She is not willing to open her heart again to Erik, who hurt her in the past.
Erik is a loner, made that way by his awful upbringing at the hands of his brutal father. Like Brynhild, he seems hard and unforgiving on the outside but carries a lot of pain and insecurities on the inside.
I really rooted for them to get past their pain and become the people they were meant to be and have the love they deserved.
The historical details were wonderfully done, adding to the atmosphere in the story. I honestly don't know much about the viking times, but now I feel I know a bit more!
There was a setup for the next story at the end of the book, so I'll be looking forward to reading that!
If you like historical romance, second chance romances and a little bit of spice, then I'd highly recommend Tempted by her outcast Viking.
About The Author:
Lucy Morris has always been obsessed with myths and legends. Her books blend sweeping romance with vivid worldbuilding to whisk you away to another time and place filled with adventure. Expect passion, drama, and vibrant characters.
Lucy lives in Essex, UK, with her husband, two children, and two cats. She has a massively sweet tooth and loves Terry's chocolate oranges and Irn-Bru. In her spare time, she likes to explore castles with her family, or drink bubbly with her friends.
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