A week or so ago, I found myself reading an email I received a month ago. In the email was a link for a NetGalley widget for a book I was approved to read by Barbour Books Publisher. I recalled signing up to read and review the book the week prior. I don't usually read the email the widget link comes in though. But I noticed that this particular book was a book 3. Wait, there's two other books before this?
Apparently I was already approved to read book 2, but haven't gotten to it yet. Which means I needed to find book 1. Searching the Amazon website, I was able to find Mistletoe Countess, book 1 of A Freddie and Grace Mystery series. Unfortunately for my super skinny budget, I had to purchase the book, but it would be the last kindle purchase I make in 2023 and I hadn't bought anything for quite a few months, so I decided to get it.
Gosh, I've fallen in love with the characters! Freddie and Grace are unexpected marriage partners who support one another and are both entering aristocracy to please their families. Grace is always reading a book, preferably fiction, to help her adapt to her surroundings while Freddie is busy spending the dowry Grace came with to renovate Havensbrook, his family's home.
Grace is definitely my kind of character. She loves her fiction and brings characters into conversations as if everyone has read the same books! She relates situations to books she's read. It's amazingly my idea of a lovely person! I wish we were friends! I especially love her way of making others feel at ease and sorting the hearts of those around her.
Freddie, or Lord Astley, is the unexpected heir of Havensbrook after his father and brother died unexpectedly within two weeks of one another. It's Freddie and Grace who figure out that their deaths were not due to a heart condition, rather they'd been poisoned!
This is definitely worth the money! I'm eagerly digging into book 2, Cairo's Curse, and hope to finish that before the New Year, but with so many other things to do, I'm not sure I'll accomplish that goal. Alas, I have more than 24 hours!
I give Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham 5 out of 5 Christmassy tiaras! Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Books Publishing for access to this amazing work!
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