| Jen Lucas Jan 1 | Well, here we are. Happy New Year and all that. I cannot believe that when this post goes out it is next year already (or this year when you read it … maybe even last year, who knows?) Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year however you spent it. I will be trying to make the most of my final day of freedom. After 17 days off work, tomorrow is going to hurt a lot. I haven't done one of these in a couple of weeks so I guess I have to catch you up on what I've been up to. First week off, Mandie and I pootled up to Edinburgh on the train. Spent a lovely, mostly dry, couple of days in the City, including going to afternoon tea at the Castle. Get us! Did our usually walk to Portobello and back, via Portobello Bookshop, of course, then also took a walk out to Morningside the following day to visit the Edinburgh Bookshop. Not been there in a while. Books were bought (shocker). Christmas afternoon tea at Edinburgh Castle | | | | You can also reply to this email to leave a comment. | | | | |
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