| Brenda Diann Johnson Jun 1 |
"Pass The Salt Please! Seasoned Believers Add Flavor To Your Life," is a guide to help new converts grow into Christian maturity. New converts are ultimately responsible for their own spiritual growth. Studying the Bible, developing a personal relationship with God, fellowshipping with other believers, being lead by the Holy Spirit, obedience to God's word, repentance, and growing in grace are all included in your experience with God. When Paul wrote the believers in Philadelphia, he admonished them to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) New converts should also find a church home where the unadulterated word of God is being preached. God will also send Seasoned Believers who are worthy mentors to hold new converts accountable. Living a Victorious Christian Life is not an easy journey. There will be challenges, victories and defeats. It is up to babes in Christ to seek out the truth in the Holy Bible. Gaining Biblical knowledge gives Christians the light they need along their journey. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105) Prayer is also an essential part of the Victorious Christian Life. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are to pray without ceasing. God also wants us to seek him first before we make our decisions. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) To order a copy of "Pass the Salt Please! Seasoned Believers Add Flavor to Your Life," click on link. Order Book To order an autographed copy of the book email: brendadiannjohnson@yahoo.com About the Author: Brenda Diann Johnson is a mother, grandmother, author, publisher, educator, entrepreneur, radio host, speaker and above all a humble servant of God. She enjoys writing and spending time with her daughters, Diamond and Kamille and her grandson, Bryson. Ms. Johnson's life mission is to use the creative talents God gave her in writing, teaching and speaking to not only have self-fulfillment but to also have an impact on the audience God has predestined for her. Brenda has also written "How Did I Get Into This Mess?, You Compromised, Saith the Lord." For more information about Brenda, her books and services visit: http://www.brendadiannjohnson.com |
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